Sunday, February 19, 2017

feels like here we go again

that time of the month - already ???
okay somethings not right ... yeah we know its called PCOS baby any you have the symptoms quite a lot of the boxes - easy to gain weight hard to loose extra facial hair.. yes thats a hard one to deal with
body pimples/spots yep... irregular... yup
moody bad tempered find a low carb lifestyle better ... oh and sugar cravings right before
that sums it up

so this week saw a 700 gram gain ... hopefully fluid retention from too much crap and a new downward trend next week
must try to be better....
more water more steps better food choices is what this is all about

got work must dash for now anyway ... will have to try post more often

still in the 99kg range even though its now 99.7 with that 700 gram gain... time to get rid of that!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

double digits...aka under 100!

Approx 99 kg now

why approx
scales in same place in bathroom
different spots equate to different weights up to 100.8 to down to 98.5
so taking the usual weigh spot to work on

been watching what I eat trying to keep it balanced to half fresh fruit n veg (non starchy stuff) then 14 carb and 1/4 protein plus trying to drink water
some days good some days not

best step day in a while 18,700 today had a few of under 10s last week
had been doing Yoga but elbow has been sore so avoiding weights/yoga undue stress till it feels  better