Sunday, July 3, 2016

40th birthday and 46 kg to loose (Yikes)

first blog on this site....
lets try to make this a regular habit then....

Went to Rarotonga with my DH (Dear Husband) for my birthday this year
flying is an uneasy experience
but not as much as snorkelling when your not confident - I have been calorie counting since Feb and tracking my exercise as well

I have found eating plenty of fruit n veg has been helpful - trying to stay away from a lot of chocolate ice cream cake and lollies all those wonderful foods you should not eat a lot of an not much very often either

so far I have managed to loose a total of 24 kg in 5 months to some people that is going to sound like a large amount and to others that is not much

mind you I have tried the 6 week body make over - it worked had children gained back every kg then some - found it too restrictive to stay on for too long however I will say this I  learnt that a diet high in proteins fruit and veg works well with my body

we have a total gym in the garage horrible location for it for the winter so using resistance bands I purchased from the warehouse (NZ) with a dvd - inside instead  also trying to dance for 30 minutes most days - so far have succeeded for 4 out of 7 of this week

Most diet blogs talk about the food the exercise all that stuff that goes with weight loss - okay I will do some of that I will also rave about the weather how it affects things amongst other stuff ...

Right now I am cold - its winter here in NZ - we live in a damp part of the country when it comes to winter - today we had fog until about 1 pm then we had a little bit of fine-ish weather with cloud cover sun came out around 3 and the fog returned for this evening at about 4.30 pm

had our fire going but left DH in charge of it and pretty sure he has let it go out or its just gotten so cold outside that heat is not travelling through the house as well as it should be

Will weigh myself in the morning and see how this week is going

If your wondering what tools to use - My fitness pal (MFP)- food tracker fairly easy to use or have one too ...   use calorie calculator to work out what calories you should be eating to loose weight then change it up - every other week by recalculating on my current weight
track through MFP as it connects with my garmin vivofit app connect  - and the best thing is these sites are free not paid for

if your going to calculate your calories in MFP - you will need to go to goals
then view the guided set up - plug in your details and let it work its magic for you
I had found livestrong previously because I had been unable to work out MFP - the updates have made it much more user friendly - also livestrong has some good articles - but also check the MFP blog it does not seem to update much though

I have a bit of a hectic life at the moment - only have dance classes on Wed right now tuesday is currently on hold - the day job (that is the one I actually get paid for) sees me working on monday - friday yes I know bad grammer / spelling but that is not what I am writing this blog for ..

must go getting late have a long day tomorrow!

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