Tuesday, July 5, 2016

rush rush rush

Right - anyone with children whom are active and busy trying out stuff to see what they like whilst still young will understand this

I give my girls every chance I can to try things and do stuff
When I was growing up - it was either too far away (mum didnt have a car and dad wouldnt take us to stuff) , too Late, or too expensive and we could not afford it.
So I stopped asking my mum if I could do things that cost money

I like the girls to understand the expenses we put out for there activities so when they ask if they can have - oh a new tablet  / laptop etc.. I ask and just how are we paying for that then say well I suppose you can always stop doing ... insert favourite activity here ... then oh we would have enough to pay for it in say 6 months 1 or 2 years... that is if you do not get into trouble do not spend that money else where ... or here is a novel idea we could Save our pocket money - do things to perhaps earn some yes... you do not get money for doing nothing

so what has this got to do with weight loss journeys well that last paragraph could equal money stress = emotional eating ....
the not enough time .. bad food choices - grabbing that piece of brownie or that slice of chocolate cake on the way out the door

Our fruit bowl  ;( poor thing I try to full it up with fruit and every time it gets empty or even when fruit is in it - people stick other stuff in to it...

So tonight when I should have helped myself to a piece of fruit I found my self going what is there to eat and grabbed a piece of chocolate cake instead - oh bugger that was a not so good choice
but once in a while its not so bad especially when only having smaller pieces.. Just do not do this too many days in a week - and defiantly not more then once in a day

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