Sunday, July 10, 2016

oh boy over eating this week and pick up the excercise

Well pretty sure the extra calories consumed this week could be a bad thing come weight check time Monday morning - it's currently 11.12 Sunday night and I should be sleeping not writing this

Well when did things go pear shaped? Wednesday things went that way picked up miss 9 from training and she had taken a tumble - took her to Dr's sent to after hours clinic as required x ray and local ones close at 4 training finished at 4.15, x ray done and all looking good - hopefully will be okay to play netball on Saturday unless specialist calls if they see something regular Dr does not
got home late - slightly bigger then normal evening foods - dinner was okay husband cooked made noodles and chicken ... then got the munchies had a ham sandwich - exercise down as missed my dance class taking her to town - should have sent her with her dad...

Right  - Thursday hmm.... food for lunch - ended up at Burger King - points there - the sundaes OH BOY that was a killer on the calories front, thought I was being kind of good as I left the chips though.

Friday focus try to get foods back on track - Saturday - got 10,000 steps Sunday loaded Pokemon go app to phone if I was worried about people tracking me or knowing where I am I  would not use google maps either, I do not share locations with face book though I think that one is asking for trouble.

Made a chocolate peppermint slice from a low sugar cookbook called sweet enough and it looks to be a bit healthier then other slices - base is flour and Weetbix... there is only 1/4 cup sugar in that
the icing /top however has 1 cup icing sugar and then its topped with melted dark chocolate - a small piece satisfies then chocolate craving and unlike some foods did not feel like I needed more,  Small victory there!

With the Pokemon go app we got to over 20,000 steps before bedtime tonight - considering we had not even got to 10,000 Wed or Thurs that was quite and achievement - especially as I got my 2 daughters walking with me

so until next time dear readers - goodnight

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