Saturday, August 27, 2016

Weigh in tomorrow. Todays reflections

So how has this week been

Tracking - well I tracked everything albeit not 100% accurate over estimated some things and may have under estimated others
however what I have tracked I figure works out about right ...couple of crap days but overall a pretty good week this week

exercise this week - got a couple of circuit training sessions in  this week
and a dance performance that would have added something to it ..
the usual 2 aqua jogging sessions... 2 dance classes and my job away from a desk working with children in the pool I think has helped..

so far to date have shed 30 kg - sent them packing for someone else to find just not me!

put on my smaller bikini for swimming today and crap the top is a bit big the pants side of it is okay as they were a bit on the smaller side when got them they now pull up a lot higher then they used to - to the point they are almost too big - thank goodness for bigger hip bones?

bought a pair of black jeans about a month ago now .. thinking It wont be long before I am going to have to get another pair again... some of my tights now way too loose.... ah well - down to a size 20ish at this point - next stop 18 .!!!!

I am aiming for a nice healthy maintainable weight where I am happy I accept I will probably never wear a size 10 but maybe a 12- but 14 at least would be nice....

have pre made lasagne for dinner packed with  nice yummy veggies hidden in a beautiful pasta dish..
so no stress over dinner and time to relax

bottle of water sitting next to me to drink

anyway fingers crossed for a good result tomorrow

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