Monday, August 29, 2016

exercise in all its forms

I am not one to set foot in a gym
but I wont knock the benefits of toning with  a gym type work out especially when you eat well and walk to help with weight loss
We don't have gym memberships but what we do have is a total gym XLI ... not a bad little (YEAH RIGHT) piece of equipment that folds away for easy storage --- no idea what planet they were on to get that idea in the advertising
what it does have going for it its easy to use you can get replacement parts online easier then through the manufacturer seems there have been a few people unhappy with the rollers they come with as does not last long... so new rollers gyms working again working out well - usually get a work out in on the weekend and sometimes slip some in during the week on Monday  or Tuesday or Friday

Other ideas - social interaction
Dancing tried partner dancing = need a partner or its no that great especially as a girl and then even if you take a partner to a social class they end up dancing with you and other people ...
guys if reading this and thinking about learning to dance - take a guy friend to class you never know you might even meet a single woman if you try a high energy type dance like salsa.. if you are after this for fitness just a regular ballroom and Latin american class is fun
Ok so no partner ladies - sick of getting there and having to be the guy or wait your turn to dance with one..
next option Zumba yes that is fine ... back to gym feel of stuff for me
Belly dance is what I have stuck with for 17 years now so there must be something in it.
find what works for you

Onwards - now i teach belly dance I have been looking for something I can work on / focus on without having to plan it so I have taken up what is probably a most unusual hobby for a girl? I enjoy sword fighting joined a Hamilton/Waikato group a couple years ago whom have just started training on a regular basis on mondays which I am now doing

went for a walk this morning now legs are sore and tired  after work and still have a 7-8pm dance class to get through .. wish me luck/energy .. feel a nice skim milk mocha coming up here !

until next time...

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