Saturday, August 27, 2016

Family get together hard to get through

complete and utter blow out - that is what happened at last family get together

drank enjoyed didn't really eat too much crap.. (yeah right )  actually its true - more issues with dinner complete and utterly off track

next time alternated booze with water - don't drink without water - only bonus didn't get a hang over!
negative gained 30 grams but it was also TTOM (that time of month) so all together not to bad
now to behave follow my points plan and keep on track and get the exercise in

need to walk a little more perhaps with weather improving walks should improve too!

tonight going to do a training work out (lets see if we can get a cardio sweat up) alternating cardio work outs with weight training and dance practice

rest of time work is going well down in clothing sizes -  got to 30 kg lost so now down to 120 kg from 150.5!

aiming to get down to 75 in the long run nearly at half way ... calling 37 half way to goal !
as 38.5 is half of 75 and I had 75.5 to lose!

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