Monday, November 28, 2016

Long time no post

Wow just realised its been a big while since I last rambled

okay so what has been happening in the world

running around after my children
less access to the pc ... its been living in a different spot so not as easy to get too

more work hours.. yes adjusting to these

so now to make a habit of this again as its good to have a record.. (*even if it is public)

so Anyway I had my first oh bleep I gained a big gain .. not quite following my program
not tracking 100 % as I should have okay so need to watch portions size
make sure I track every thing and get my rest - only other time I had a big oops up was on holiday completely off plan for 2 weeks...

on a brighter not even with the gain  I have still reached my 110 kg by/before Christmas goal
am currently at 108.5   oh look even typing this is easier then my start weight
not sure if I have mentioned it before that was 150.5 so I have dropped 42 kg this year and people are noticing & I feel better for it

plans for getting back on track -

track everything I eat (my fitness pal or my plate on are good if your short on funds for a paid program they even have calories calculators - just make sure you allocate 1/2 -the calories to fresh fruit n veg.. make it healthy and a conscious decision about the food you have

Drink more water - aim for 1-2 litres or 6-8 glasses a day if its hot add another 1 and if you exercise you got it 1 more then ...

today - have eaten well
have not drunk water
 have managed 13,000 steps and done a 30 minute light training session

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