Wednesday, December 28, 2016

10,000 steps plus per day ...

So for those of you whom follow the healthy recommendations of  various govt health agencies
you will know that its recommended to maintain a healthy weight to eat 2500-2800 ish calories and walk 10,000 steps

yeah okay ...
so today and yesterday
I did 20,000 steps (poke out tongue at them and do silly happy dance) on my vivofit2 activity tracker

Food-wise pretty balanced - for a busy day
plenty of fruit to be had when working hard or walking lots

drank 1.5 litres of water
also went for an hour of play at the local pool ... yay for summer and not working

for those of you who do not know me here are a couple of progress shots.. first one taking at my Nieces first birthday - she is 5 in Feb so 4 years ago ... put on a bit since then hid from cameras did not like photos being taken .. been there done that might be what your thinking

anyway after loads of hard work during 2016 same dress same person different stage in life thinner feeling better oh and dress is  really too big now.... personally I still like it and am still wearing it !
If your still reading Check out other posts in the Archive there are plenty there.....  :-P

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


What a day

self sabotage?

started good - good healthy breakfast  check

chocolate - uh no that wasnt meant to be on the list today

so went on a
walk with girls check

lunch - healthy check ...

nap ...
gingerbread - uh wheres the fruit!!!

dinner - light cauliflower rice with chicken mushroom pineapple spinach and Moroccan seasoning along with a bit of sweet chilli sauce

another walk ....

got 20,000 steps
oh dear another bit of gingerbread...

found oneself at the cupboard looking for food without realising it.. this must stop!

off to bed so the day cant get any worse

Monday, December 26, 2016

"must keep posting"

sometimes it feels like its going well we neglect to post then when it goes to custard - we find our way back - which is why it goes to custard "must keep posting"

Last post was 105 by Christmas ... which I did manage ...
then over the Christmas week I have gone back up to 106.5 holly mistletoe batman that was some crap two weeks - first week stayed same weight second on saw a 1.5 gain with it catching up on me

now to loose that 1.5 by sticking to my program
this is not yo yo weight loss - that was two weeks of shit choices no wonder I got to 150.5 kg as its how I used to eat nearly all the time... man that is bad

I like feeling thinner healthier lighter being able to walk for longer
smaller bras - not so expensive easier to buy clothes and look good

gaining not an option

Yes I have expensive belly-dance costumes I need to adjust down but that is easier then making bigger
and I will be able to buy the cheaper ones of ebay/amazon soon too that will be a nice change as they are really quite cute

I will get into my goal dress and maybe even wear it for next Christmas

as said current weight is 106.5 previous posts explained aim was for 110 by Christmas so still did well
 goal to shed the 1.5 by new years if possible... at least one of the 1.5 can go
leaving .5 for the week after ....

then I will be happily back on track for new years day

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Christmas.... 105 by then.???

Well back in October I set myself a mini goal of 110 by Christmas reached that in mid Nov
so decided 105 by Christmas have reached that with 2 weeks to spare now to get to as close to
the 100 kg mark to go

must keep the clean eating plenty of fruits and veg going ... must watch the not too many coffees and up the water that seems to have swapped over

am getting plenty of walking in with my daughters chasing after Pokemon insane that a simple little game can get people out and about - LOVING this fact

have yet to do my Christmas shopping - well some of its started - have cookies for some people - doing baking for others

have a friends daughter with us today as she wraps up at work
my girls are swimming tomorrow at there last race day for the year
I am timekeeping - eek need to be onto it! both girls racing the second session so will be busy then keeping time...

must try to get back and post more often I am sure to have missed little things

I have a pair of size 16 denim shorts - can wear a size 16/18 dress again - have both there little black dresses and they look amazing on now... too bad one looks old now

am needing new sneakers
new phone as dropped mine now its playing up - dam and poop

going to get the girls phones too - They don't know that yet
so its shhh do not tell them! must organise next Monday am ??? Will be mean and find a reason to take little ones phone - You need to CLEAN up your Room!! Practice the Violin and do your dishes... she has been a little slack at her 3 chores this month...
eldest its pretty much the same...

Friday, December 2, 2016

what to do when out and not enough calories left for a foodcourt meal

so off to town we go ... miss 10 in tow

to the mall food court is jolly
full of things to eat look its really easy to get a sweet treat
no not today we have a plan
and it wont be beat

down to the supermarket we stroll
on our pockets finances take its toll
we shop for tuna and rice thins
bought and paid for then enjoyed
hope this works wonders for our skins

ok so yes ate a little to much during the day to keep an allocation for dinner tonight
ended up buying lite tuna in basil and tomato
and eating two of the rice thins we bought - crisis adverted
once home had a date for sweetness and chewy-ness

Thursday, December 1, 2016

others cooking or not as the case may be (blog post #13!!!!)

I have relinquished control of my kitchen on a Monday and Thursday night to my dearest other half

get home from work tonight and he has been out and bought KFC for dinner tonight
wife gets allocated 3 bits of chicken - okay so if I skin them they might be a bit better.. how about not eating that stuff even better as trying to eat a bit better all round, then there was the bag of fries  dont even go to the pot of potato and gravy sitting there looking all innocent

so eat one piece of chicken and one of the fries and go WTF really do not want this so glad wrap that put it in fridge - next thing find myself mindlessly munching on chocolate cake - uh no girl so not going to do this to your self smack on the hand put it down time!!!!
bonus  put it down packed it up did not just eat it go me!

right meals planned out for tomorrow ...may alter it a bit but general idea works

all the best to my fellow lifestyle changers this Christmas season