Thursday, December 15, 2016

Christmas.... 105 by then.???

Well back in October I set myself a mini goal of 110 by Christmas reached that in mid Nov
so decided 105 by Christmas have reached that with 2 weeks to spare now to get to as close to
the 100 kg mark to go

must keep the clean eating plenty of fruits and veg going ... must watch the not too many coffees and up the water that seems to have swapped over

am getting plenty of walking in with my daughters chasing after Pokemon insane that a simple little game can get people out and about - LOVING this fact

have yet to do my Christmas shopping - well some of its started - have cookies for some people - doing baking for others

have a friends daughter with us today as she wraps up at work
my girls are swimming tomorrow at there last race day for the year
I am timekeeping - eek need to be onto it! both girls racing the second session so will be busy then keeping time...

must try to get back and post more often I am sure to have missed little things

I have a pair of size 16 denim shorts - can wear a size 16/18 dress again - have both there little black dresses and they look amazing on now... too bad one looks old now

am needing new sneakers
new phone as dropped mine now its playing up - dam and poop

going to get the girls phones too - They don't know that yet
so its shhh do not tell them! must organise next Monday am ??? Will be mean and find a reason to take little ones phone - You need to CLEAN up your Room!! Practice the Violin and do your dishes... she has been a little slack at her 3 chores this month...
eldest its pretty much the same...

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