Thursday, December 1, 2016

others cooking or not as the case may be (blog post #13!!!!)

I have relinquished control of my kitchen on a Monday and Thursday night to my dearest other half

get home from work tonight and he has been out and bought KFC for dinner tonight
wife gets allocated 3 bits of chicken - okay so if I skin them they might be a bit better.. how about not eating that stuff even better as trying to eat a bit better all round, then there was the bag of fries  dont even go to the pot of potato and gravy sitting there looking all innocent

so eat one piece of chicken and one of the fries and go WTF really do not want this so glad wrap that put it in fridge - next thing find myself mindlessly munching on chocolate cake - uh no girl so not going to do this to your self smack on the hand put it down time!!!!
bonus  put it down packed it up did not just eat it go me!

right meals planned out for tomorrow ...may alter it a bit but general idea works

all the best to my fellow lifestyle changers this Christmas season

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