Sunday, January 8, 2017

back on track

well after this week of eating right - getting my fruits veggies
some good fats and lean protein walking and water have managed to remove another 1.6 kg taking me to only 200 grams to loose from what I put on over Christmas

am currently doing yoga - 30 days of yoga on you tube with Adrienne

really worth a look her channel is neat search 30 days of yoga it should be at the top of the results I am doing the 2 year old yoga clips - there is also more current revolution yoga she takes as well

My youngest daughter and I are doing this in the morning the eldest and I are going for walks Monday Wed and Friday morning - Tuesday afternoon at present and Friday after I finish work as well

back at work had a long day but did not stop me from doing my yoga!

overall - today's food still in my count allowance
had for breakfast
2 weetbix and skim milk with a nescafe caramel latte sachet prepared

lunch was an Irvines mince and cheese pie

dinner was a chicken and salad tortilla wrap
dessert a plate of fruit

left me feeling quite satisfied and enjoyed that fruit this evening

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