Wednesday, January 11, 2017

have you tried Yoga???

looking through different things online and one asked the question 

have you tried Yoga - it had a link to you tube and some channel that offered yoga

after looking around you tube decided to try 30 days of yoga with Adrienne -  which I mentioned in my last post
anyway both of my girls joined me for this tonight 
must have looked  funny mum and her 2 girls rolling around on the floor trying to figure out what we are supposed to be doing
of our 30 days today was day 6 we focused on core muscles ..
I have taken to just lying in bed with lights off focusing on my breathing 
to calm myself to get a good nights sleep 
apart from when I drink a lot of water late it seems to be working out well 

Today was a 17,000 steps day  walked for a solid 30 minutes this afternoon
followed by taking my girls to the swimming pool in Cambridge where they swam laps I just didnt feel up to it as have been in the pool for a while already at work today 

kind of loosing the novelty of swimming when you teach in the water 5 days a week and each time is a minimum of 3 hours! TALK about water logged 

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